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Known Facts (2)
Battle over Endor (2) »
Jake Farrell was a Human male starfighter pilot who served in the Galactic Republic prior to the Declaration of a New Order. Following the rise of the Galactic Empire at the end of the Clone Wars, Farrell became an instructor for the Empire, but retired from Imperial service after a series of increasingly ruthless missions. He eventually came out of retirement and joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic, teaching Rebel pilots | Alliance Starfighter Corps(Rebel Alliance Navy)OrganizationRebel Alliance Navy | the skills needed to fight against the Empire. Known as a top X-wing | T-65 X-WingStarshipStarfighter Models | pilot, Farrell flew a modified R-22 Spearhead during the Battle of Yavin | Battle of YavinEventGalactic Civil War | . His experience with the R-22 led to him being selected to help design the new RZ-1 A-wing interceptor | A-WingStarshipStarfighter Models | , which was based on the R-22. When the first A-wings entered service, Farrell transferred to an A-wing squadron. By the time of the Battle of Endor | Battle over Endor(Endor Campaign)EventGalactic Civil War | in 4 ABY, he was considered to be among the best A-wing pilots, and so was chosen to fly with Green Squadron | Green SquadronOrganizationRebel Alliance Navy | in the assault on the Imperial battlestation, the second Death Star | Death Star 2StarshipSpace Stations | . Participating in the starfighter attack on the Death Star's main reactor, Farrell followed the order of Gold Leader Lando Calrissian | Lando Calrissian(Human)CharacterMajor Characters | to break off his run and head for the surface of the station, drawing off some of the Imperial TIE fighters | TIE FighterStarshipStarfighter Models | in pursuit.Read more... |
See also |
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Green SquadronBattle over Endor |
Known roles
PilotA-Wing |
Known for serving on the following ships
A-WingPilot |
Complete list
Full unit name: Farrell, Jake Last updated: 27.07.2024 13:04:01